Friday, November 9, 2012

7 days down another 7 to go

Today is the 7th day of fasting.  I'm surprised I've made it this far but I have.  Emotionally it's been a roller coaster ride.  Wanting to give up and not.  Hungry, then not so hungry.  One thing that has been constant has been the energy level has stayed up, which has been a blessing.  But because I've been busy all day Im super tired at night.  So far I've lost 7 lbs.  While I'm glad that I have lost some weight, I'm feeling really down today that I haven't lost more.  I'm getting discouraged.  If it were just a weight issue I think I would be much more acceptable of where I am.  My hormones are worrying me sick.  Trying to make the decision of losing weight the long and slow way is desirable because it's the natural way to do it.  But in the mean time my lack of a cycle is a concern.  Maybe I should just take the diabetes meds.  That's the only time I've known my body to lose the weight and keep it off.  Once my body gets down to 150 lbs my hormones seem to always regulate themselves.  The thought of taking this medicine forever though is a downer and would also pose life long effects. Starting the medicine is always hard on my body as well because if I eat anything with a lot of carbs/sugar I get very ill to my stomach.  While it does it's job, I'm unsure how healthy it is to not be able to eat fruits and vegetables.  All I can do is pray about it and ask that God will give me some guidance on what is the most healthiest thing for me and my body.  I originally said I would fast for 10 days.  But I have decided Im going to do it for a full two weeks.  14 days of no food.  No chewing.  I've made it this far so I'm sure I can make it.  Trying to figure out what to do next is the hard part........

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